Nothing ruins a vacation faster than getting sick!
Flu season is in full swing and its effects have been making headlines all across the country. So if you're traveling over the next month or so - or anytime - take these steps to help keep germs and the flu virus away from you and your family.
Get the flu vaccine
Wash hands regularly
Carry travel-size wipes or gel hand sanitizer with you
Cover your cough or sneeze - and teach your children to do the same
Pack antibacterial wipes for use on a plane or in a hotel to clean surfaces - especially airline trays, armrests, hotel remote control, door handles, etc.
Stay hydrated - drink lots of water!
So what's your best tip to stay healthy during flu season?
There are some things in life that will always give us anxiety - tax time, renewing your driver's license, sitting in the dentist's chair. But planning a Disney vacation shouldn't be one of them! We know it's easy to get overwhelmed. With a quick click of the mouse (no pun intended!), you're instantly bombarded with tons of information about Disney. So how do you break down the information? Do you handle all of the planning on your own? How can you be sure you're getting the best value and the most out of your vacation? Here's where the magic happens... Our team members are experts at the art of planning amagical Disney vacation. It's our PASSION. It's what we do best. We know the best times of year to visit the theme parks.
We can tell you about the newest and most exciting ports of call on the Disney Cruise Line.
And we'll put together a fabulous itinerary that will give you and your family a worry-free, memory-filled vacation. But the best part of all? Our services are completely FREE. No mysterious add-on fees or commissions to worry about. Just expert advice and planning tips to make sure all your worries disappear. Timon and Pumba from Disney's "The Lion King" had it right when they sang, "Hakuna Matata." It's a Swahili saying meaning "there are no worries."
Now isn't that how travel planning should be? So what worries you most about planning a vacation? Is it trying to find the best discounts? How to travel with young children? Getting your passports?